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- Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC1743, a 50Msps, 12-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) designed to digitize high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. Communications and high definition imaging applications needing wide dynamic range wi
- 关键字: Linear
- Linear Technology announces the LT1766EFE and LT1956EFE, two constant frequency step-down switching regulators that include a 1.5A internal switch. Both switching regulators operate within a VIN range of 5.5V to 60V, and can deliver up to 1.25A of continu
- 关键字: Linear
- Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC4008, a 4A multi-cell, multi-chemistry battery pack charger with a solution size of only 5.6cm?(50% smaller than conventional high power battery charger designs). The LTC4008 also reduces the cost of a charg
- 关键字: Linear
First Micropower Boost Converter
- Linear Technology announces the LT3464, a high efficiency, micropower boost converter with an integrated Schottky diode and output disconnect transistor. The LT3464 utilizes a current limited, constant off-time switching topology with an 85mA internal swi
- 关键字: Linear
Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC4054
- Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC4054, a single-cell linear Li-Ion battery charger with on-board charge termination circuitry and power transistor housed in a 5-lead 1mm high SOT-23 (ThinSOT?) package. The LTC4054 can deliver up to 800mA ch
- 关键字: Linear
USB Power Manager Reduces Battery Charging Time
- USB Power Manager Reduces Battery Charging Time MILPITAS, CA ?February 4, 2003 ?Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC4410, a USB power manager IC in a ThinSOT™ package, which enables simultaneous battery charging and system operation of a
- 关键字: linear
- Linear Technology introduces the LTC2412, a 24-bit No Latency Delta Sigma?ADC that offers two fully differential input channels and a differential reference input. Low noise of 800nVRMS provides 22.5 effective number of bits (ENOBs) over a ?.5V span and 1
- 关键字: linear
- MILPITAS, CA – December 3, 2002 – Linear Technology introduces the LTC1861L and LTC1865L, 3V, two- channel 12-bit and 16-bit, 150ksps Analog to Digital Converters available in tiny 10-Lead MSOP packages. They draw only 450
- 关键字: Linear
Linear announces a new switching regulator
- Linear technology announces the LTC3413, a high efficiency, monolithic synchronous step-down switching regulator that is capable of generating a bus termination voltage for DDR/DDR2 memory applications. It has the ability to source or sink up to 3A of out
- 关键字: Linear
- Linear 科技公司近日发布一款采用ThinSo封装、从50mA到180mA的线性锂离子/锂电极电池LTC1734L。此产品面积36mm2,高不到1mm,成本低,适用于小型锂离子电池。片上的多功能PROG管脚减少了封装时的管脚数目并简化了微控制器I/O的布线。可提供固定的漂移电压,4.2V时的精度为±1%。PPOG管脚有三个功能:设置电流、监测和关断电流。具有自动休眠模式、手动关断模式、欠压锁定及过流和过热时的自我保护功能。应用于布线紧凑的设备,如蓝牙头盔、文本文件夹、MP3播放器、移动电话、便携式数据
- 关键字: Linear
- 凌力尔特公司1981年创立于美国硅谷。凌力尔特公司设计、制造和销售门类宽泛的标准高性能集成电路产品线。该公司产品的应用领域包括电信、蜂窝电话、网络产品、笔记本电脑和台式电脑、视频/多媒体、工业仪表、汽车电子、工厂自动化、过程控制、以及军事和空间系统。该公司的主要产品门类涵盖放大器、电池管理、数据转换器、高频、接口、电压调节器和电压基准。
- 关键字: Linear
凌特公司(Linear Technology Corporation)创建于 1981 年,是一家高性能线性集成电路制造商。凌特于 1986 年成为一家上市公司,并于 2000 年成为由主要上市公司组成的 S&P 500 指数的成员之一。凌特 [ 查看详细 ]